This program provides an in-depth introduction to the essential process involved in converting raw materials into a glass melt ready for forming. At the conclusion of the program, you will have a thorough understanding of the main challenges and technologies in glass production and how they are related to raw materials, furnace design, and process settings.
• Production lines for different glass types and products
• Furnace configuration: end port, cross-fired, oxygen-fired, electric melters
• Introduction to carbon free melting
• A glass furnace as a chemical reactor
• Glass quality: fining process
• Raw materials, recycling and carry-over
• Regenerators and recuperators
• Evaporation and condensation
• Refractory types, properties and challenges
• Energy consumption of glass furnaces
• Environmental aspects and emissions
Training methods
We offer a blended learning approach by mixing e-learning, lectures, open discussions, exercises, and case studies in teams or individually. The number of participants per course is between 8 and 20 to maximize your learning experience. Participants always receive the presentations and a training certificate.
Level of seniority
This training is meant for junior professionals to skilled professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge.
After the training you will:
• Acknowledge the impact of raw materials on melting, energy consumption, glass quality, and furnace lifetime
• Understand the link between energy consumption, CO2 emission, fuel source, furnace design and operation
• Learn how to reduce emissions through primary and secondary measures
• Identify critical furnace conditions and process settings that influence furnace lifetime
• Perform faster troubleshooting and come up with solutions

Price excludes tax and duties.
The 6th participant from the same company can join for free.