First step to carbon reduction of your glass furnace(s)
We benchmark your energy usage and CO2 emissions of your furnace with other furnaces in your own company, and, on an anonymous basis, with similar glass furnaces worldwide. The first step of our energy reduction approach delivers:
- Global ranking of the energy efficiency of your glass furnace(s)
- An estimation of the realistic energy savings potential for your furnace
- Insights in how to achieve these energy savings based on process and/or technological solutions
At the moment our database contains energy and emission data of more than 500 glass furnaces. You can compare the energy efficiency of your furnaces with the database. We take the following process conditions into account:
- Cullet fraction
- Ageing
- Electrical boosting
- Pull rate
Based on normalized input data our database provides you with an apple to apple comparison. All data will be treated confidentially and anonymously.